Aster in Space


SpaceBorn United is at the forefront of groundbreaking research and technological advancements aimed at enabling human reproduction in the unique environment of space. With a clear focus on the future, their mission is to support and facilitate the establishment of independent human settlements beyond Earth.

Innovation Space is a community that develops and facilitates interdisciplinary challenge-based learning, engineering design and entrepreneurship at TU Eindhoven.  They provide us with essential equipment to work with, alongside experts in the our fields of research.

PhotonFirst is at the forefront of cutting-edge smart sensing technologies, driving the future of data-driven insights.  As a trusted partner, PhotonFirst paves the way for a paradigm shift, enabling unprecedented advancements in the field of sensing and asset management.

The Netherlands Space Office (NSO) serves as the esteemed governmental Space Agency of the Netherlands, actively shaping and implementing the national space policy. NSO is dedicated to leveraging the immense value of space for scientific, economic, and societal advancements. 

NLR, Royal Netherlands Aerospace Centre, plays a crucial role in advancing the aerospace industry by making it more sustainable, safe, efficient, and effective. Through their innovative solutions and practical advice, they enhance the competitiveness of businesses while addressing social challenges. With their pioneering role and collaborative approach, NLR strengthens the connections that drive progress in aerospace in the Netherlands and beyond.

To partner with us, or to start a conversation in general, please feel free to contact us via LinkedIn, e-mail ( or Instagram!


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Zeeshan Alidjan
There are many reasons to go to space. First and foremost is to say you’ve been there.